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Explore all the great exhibitor booths at ISPO 2024 and keep a lookout for out bright blue beanie! When you find it, scan the QR code inside and we'll tell you how to claim your prize!*
Explore all the great exhibitor booths at ISPO 2024 and keep a lookout for out bright blue beanie! When you find it, scan the QR code inside and we'll tell you how to claim your prize!*
* 1 prize per person while supplies last
Need some clues?
The answer is a building.
It’s a place where people work.
It’s close to home.
There’s probably food.
What was the first letter of your name?
About PlsReturnIt:
The World's First Fully Circular Digital Product Passport and Digital Product Passport Enhancement
Our smart label and SaaS solution are operational from day 1 and deliver an average 15% product registration rate, significantly higher than the benchmark average of .9%​​
Already have a DPP or provide DPP service to others?
Partner with us to extend your downstream traceability capabilities